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Announcements 9-6-2024


  • Registration for the Fall session of Driver Ed is now open. Packets are available in the Guidance Office and from Mr. Davies.  Registration for this session ends on October 9th.
  • All junior high, JV, and Varsity Girls Soccer and Cross Country athletes, as well as all tennis athletes, are dismissed after 9th period and should board the bus on the west side of the school to go to Southold at 2:00pm.  If there are any questions, please stop by the Athletic Office with any questions.
  • Guess our Spring Musical!  There are 12 musicals posted outside Ms. Cabral's room.  Which one will it be?  Come down as we eliminate them each day at 2:30 pm!  See you there!
  •   All students who wish to play a Fall sport must hand in a current physical to the school nurse, Ms. Verley, on the first floor.  If any student has a question, they can speak with Ms. Verley.
  • Students are reminded that they must obtain a parking pass from the High School Office before parking on school property.  Students who do receive a parking pass should park only in unnumbered spots.

Happy Birthday wishes to Jackfer Monzon Montenegro and, over the weekend, to Ms. Volinski, Melanie Delisser Ixchop, and Holden Foster!

Those are our announcements.

Have a great day!