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Morning Announcements 6-5-2024

Good Morning Porters!

Today is an A Day

Here are our announcements:

  • This is a reminder for all students who are running for Student Council Officer positions: Your campaign video is due to Ms. Labrozzi today, June 5th. If you do not submit your video by today, you will not be considered for election.
  • Any junior high student who is interested in participating in goofy games on Porter Day Jr., please sign up with the form that was emailed to you. You can also find it on your class' google classroom. Sign ups are due at the end of today. 
  • Review for the June Regents continues  today and every day this week after school. Check our website or flyer for classes, dates and times or come to the high school office for a flyer.
  • Advanced Placement Course Information will be held each day this week during advisory. Today's course is AP Literature with Mr Conti,  If you are interested in taking AP Literature  courses, go visit  Mr Conti room 213 after you check in with your advisory.  
  • The Fall Sports Season is around the corner! Registration is now open on Family ID.

The High School Fall Sports Season will begin on Monday, August 26th and will include the following options:

• Football *Practice starts on Monday, August 19th

• Field Hockey

• Boys and Girls Soccer

• Girls Volleyball

• Girls Tennis

• Golf

• Boys and Girls Cross Country

The Junior High Fall Sports Season will begin on Wednesday, September 4th and will include the following options:

• Football

• Field Hockey

• Boys and Girls Soccer

• Girls Tennis

• Golf *Season starts on August 26th

The School Doctor will be conducting physicals on Tuesday, June 11th from 9AM-11AM in the Nurse’s Office. In order to receive a physical, students must sign up in the Athletic Office by Friday, June 7th. 

  • Summer driver ed registrations are due soon!  Don’t get shut out of this important class. Flyers are in the high school office or see Mr Davies with questions.

Have a great day!

Those are our announcements.