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Morning Announcements 6-4-2024

Good Morning Porters!

Today is a B Day

Here are our announcements:

  • Students in grades 8-11 who are running for Student Council, this is a reminder that your campaign videos are due to Ms. Labrozzi by Wednesday, June 5th. No late videos will be accepted."
  • Any junior high student who is interested in participating in goofy games on Porter Day Jr., please sign up with the form that was emailed to you. You can also find it on your class' google classroom. Sign ups are due at the end of the day on Wednesday. 
  • Review for the June Regents continues  today and every day this week after school. Check our website or flyer for classes, dates and times or come to the high school office for a flyer.
  • AP Course Information will be held each day this week during advisory. Today's course includes AP Bio with Mr Buckley, If you are interested in AP Bio courses, go visit  Mr Buckley room 313 after you check in with your advisory.  
  • Attention all artists: Do you like to draw, paint, print or just create? Come to art club in room 304 Tuesdays after school or see Mx Damon for more information

Happy Birthday today to: Shane Manwaring and George Foronda Escobar!    

Have a great day!

Those are our announcements.